Adidas had been a running and football giant for a long time, but was a rookie in the uprising outdoor sports domain and needed a masterplan for a successful market strategy. Also, it was unclear what role the Terrex brand should play in their portfolio.
In a multi-stage process over two years, SWELL met outdoor sports freaks and influencers in 10 cities in Europe, China and the US, who really let us look into their hearts. They went shopping with us, shared mountain memories, drew entire picture books for us and discussed product and design visions. Over the course of time, SWELL put together a strategic compendium for Adidas, covering fields as different as target group psychology, product design guidelines, brand architecture and channel strategy.
Adidas Terrex has enjoyed great acceptance by outdoor sportspeople and is on its way to make The North Face's life difficult.
With a new brand identity, a new corporate design, including revised brand values, Bosch wanted to reflect the diversity and individuality of life, the emotionality of the brand, and the numerous products from the different business units. Ultimately, Bosch wanted to make the claim 'Invented for Life' much more tangible. Now the new direction also had to be communicated internally. To do this, we first talked to Bosch employees in several countries about understanding the positioning aspects. Then we designed an explanatory film in comic style, created a learning kit for internal workshops & trainings, developed the concept for the new brand book and moderated various activation workshops at the annual 'Bosch Brands Day'. So that all employees really live the brand positioning and thus make it tangible for external target groups.
Campari had just completed a global quantitative segmentation project and wanted to activate consumer segments in their brand plans. We reviewed the positioning of each brand, conducted stakeholder IDIs, and identified how repositioning could support brand growth. On the consumer side, we went throught a 360-degree exploration, incl. 'day-in-the-life' ethnos and online diaries, and enhanced the prior quant. segmentation data. Key insights had to be brought to life per segment in a motivational, interactive multimedia segment playbook that helps developing action plans per segment in an easily digestible way: What makes consumers our customers, how can we engage them, what touchpoints should we use, what are areas where we can improve significantly?
Tons of market research results from different parts of the world, many initial design ideas, but the big hit was not yet there. That's where we came in. In a very dense, four-month innovation process consisting of interdisciplinary expert and core team DT workshops, and concluding customer labs, we rethought the high-pressure cleaner. The core idea: the functionality moves from the body of the device completely into the gun. The new "Full Control" series met the users' feelings and gave Kärcher a significant increase in volume.